Esperimento fallito. Fare il post con i link della settimana è utile per permettere a chi non segue i social di avere un’idea delle ultime novità, ma dal lato opposto, un post a settimana nasconde completamente gli altri post utili che potrebbero esserci in questo blog.

Quindi devo trovare un sistema migliore. O creare una nuova voce di menu (ma non so in quanti poi la vedano), o magari far diventare questa rubrica in “Link del mese” (che al momento la trovo più fattibile). Avete idee o proposte?

Comunque, per questa settimana, ecco alcuni link:


  • Getting Started with .NET Core and Docker and the Microsoft Container Registry

    It’s super easy to get started with .NET Core and/or ASP.NET Core with Docker. If you have Docker installed you don’t need to install anything to try out .NET Core, of course. […]

  • Securing ASP.NET Core in Docker

    Some time ago, I blogged about how you can get some extra security when running Docker containers by making their file systems read-only. This ensures that should an attacker get into the container somehow, they won’t be able to change any files. This only works with certain containers that support it however and unfortunately, at that time ASP.NET Core did not support running in a Docker container with a read-only file system. Happily, this is now fixed! […]

  • ModelState interfering with Model Binding in ASP.NET Core

    In an application I am working on, I have a page where a user can invite other users to their account. This page has a simple form at the top allowing the user to invite a new user and then, below that, is a grid displaying the existing users.

    I do not want to do full page post-back every time a user sends a new invitation, so I am making use of AJAX to handle posting the new user invitation form to my controller action. […]

Web / TypeScript / JavaScript

  • Announcing TypeScript 3.4

    Today we’re happy to announce the availability of TypeScript 3.4! […]

  • Announcing Lucet: Fastly’s native WebAssembly compiler and runtime

    Today, we are thrilled to announce the open sourcing of Lucet, Fastly’s native WebAssembly compiler and runtime. WebAssembly is a technology created to enable web browsers to safely execute programs at near-native speeds. It has been shipping in the four major browsers since early 2017. […]

  • What you should know about JavaScript arrays

    Let me make a bold statement: for loops are often useless and make the code hard to read. When it comes to iterating over an array, finding elements, sorting it or whatever you want, there’s probably an array method out there that you can use.

    However, some of them are still not that known and used despite their usefulness. I’ll do the hard work for you by giving you the useful methods. Consider this article as your guide to JavaScript arrays methods.


  • Azure Data Studio: An Open Source GUI Editor for Postgres

    Today we’re excited to announce preview support for PostgreSQL in Azure Data Studio. Azure Data Studio is a cross-platform modern editor focused on data development. It’s available for Linux, MacOS, and Windows. Plus, Azure Data Studio comes with an integrated terminal so you’re never far away from psql. […]


  • Lessons from 6 software rewrite stories

    A new take on the age-old question: Should you rewrite your application from scratch, or is that “the single worst strategic mistake that any software company can make”? Turns out there are more than two options for dealing with a mature codebase. […]

  • Convert Windows PC to Linux (Ubuntu)

    Imagine for a moment that you’re stranded on a desert island. You’re a software developer and have been using Linux systems or an Apple Mac ever since you were old enough to type on a keyboard. Yet the only things that you were able to bring with you to your desert island was a Windows machine, and enough tea and biscuits to last a lifetime. Luckily the island already has an internet connection — what do you do?

    Okay, you could just download Ubuntu and install it onto a Virtual Machine, but there is another way. Which as it happens, also involves installing Ubuntu… […]