Questa settimana sono stato un po’ lontano dai vari social in quanto ero al Microsoft MVP Summit 2019…che per me è voluto dire di (volutamente) lasciare a casa il PC e dedicarmi totalmente alla sessioni e al cazzeggio (non capita tutti i giorni di essere dalle parti di Seattle).

Ma ho comunque trovato un po’ di tempo per riportare in questo post alcuni articoli interessanti di questa settimana.


  • Building Games with MonoGame

    MonoGame is an Open Source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4 Framework. It allows developers to create games for iOS, Android, MacOS, Linux, Windows, Xbox and PlayStation.

    In this episode, Brian Peek comes on to talk to us about how to get started with MonoGame, and also show some interesting games that have been built with the framework. […]

  • Achieve more with Microsoft Game Stack

    Microsoft is built on the belief of empowering people and organizations to achieve more – it is the DNA of our company. Today we are announcing a new initiative, Microsoft Game Stack, in which we commit to bringing together Microsoft tools and services that will empower game developers like yourself, whether you’re an indie developer just starting out or a AAA studio, to achieve more. […]


C#, .NET

  • Using async/await and Task.WhenAll to improve the overall speed of your C# code

    Recently I’ve been looking at ways to improve the performance of some .NET code, and this post is about an async/await pattern that I’ve observed a few times that I’ve been able to refactor. […]

  • .NET Core Container Images now Published to Microsoft Container Registry

    We are now publishing .NET Core container images to Microsoft Container Registry (MCR). We have also made other changes to the images we publish, described in this post. […]

  • Using Newtonsoft.Json in a Visual Studio extension

    The ever popular Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package by James Newton-King is used throughout Visual Studio’s code base. Visual Studio 2015 (14.0) was the first version to ship with it. Later updates to Visual Studio also updated its Newtonsoft.Json version when an internal feature needed it. Today it is an integral part of Visual Studio and you can consider it a part of the SDK alongside other Visual Studio assemblies. […]

  • Visual Studio extensions and version ranges demystified

    Extension authors use visual Studio version ranges to specify what versions of Visual Studio their extensions support. A version range looks like this [14.0, 17.0) and specifies the minimum and maximum version of Visual Studio as well as if the edges are included or excluded. The syntax with mismatching braces may initially seem a bit odd and what exactly do those numbers refer to? Let’s unravel the mystery of the Visual Studio version ranges. […]



  • The March release of Azure Data Studio is now available

    The key highlights for the March release include:

    • Announcing the PostgreSQL extension for Azure Data Studio
    • Announcing SQL Notebooks
    • Adding the PowerShell extension
    • Adding the SQL Server dacpac extension
    • Adding the community extension
    • Updates to the SQL Server 2019 Preview extension
    • Bug fixes […]
  • Converting a History Table into a System-Versioned Temporal Table

    Temporal tables were introduced with SQL Server 2016. To take advantage of this feature, you might start fresh with a brand new table. It is possible, however, to convert an existing table with accumulated history to the new functionality. In this article, Mala Mahadevan explains how to create temporal tables for both scenarios. […]

  • Tutorial: Secure Azure SQL Database connection from App Service using a managed identity

    App Service provides a highly scalable, self-patching web hosting service in Azure. It also provides a managed identity for your app, which is a turn-key solution for securing access to Azure SQL Database and other Azure services. Managed identities in App Service make your app more secure by eliminating secrets from your app, such as credentials in the connection strings. In this tutorial, you will add managed identity to the sample ASP.NET web app you built in Tutorial: Build an ASP.NET app in Azure with SQL Database. When you’re finished, your sample app will connect to SQL Database securely without the need of username and passwords. […]


  • Microsoft Teams wins Enterprise Connect Best in Show award and delivers new experiences for the intelligent workplace

    Today, at the Enterprise Connect event in Orlando, Florida, Microsoft Teams won the Best in Show award for the second year in a row in recognition for its vision for making communication and collaboration easier for the entire workforce, including those on the frontline. This week marks the second anniversary of the worldwide launch of Microsoft Teams. Over the past two years, Teams has grown significantly in both new capabilities and customer usage, as the hub for teamwork that brings people together and fosters a culture of engagement and inclusion. We’re unveiling eight new capabilities in Teams that make collaboration more inclusive, effective, and secure. […]